Deep Jhana Meditation
Video + Coaching w/Vern.

Nibbana, Nirvana, or Hypnotic State? 5-23-09

This is part of my Meditation Journal Experience after the Flat-mind State became permanent.

Sat 23 May 09

Without writing a book about this… I want to mention it I guess because if at some point nibbana comes despite my not chasing it – there should be a path or a succession of things that happened that others can look at to help them realize they too are on the same path…

i don’t appear to be ready for anything to happen… I swear at the dog outside to shut up… I get frustrated when the computer – a logical device, acts so illogically.

I see myself as if I’m beside – and looking on during these times. I’m watching myself act through it… the body is angry.

Anyway… so, Saturday I was shooting Dean’s welcome video for his sites. in the palm grove next to wat tum sang phet.

I was looking at the camera ready to start part of the monologue when I had a moment of awakening… of experiencing the moment – but, it was a state unlike any other I’ve had… I’ve not been hypnotized – but maybe this is what hypnotism is like?

I was staring at the camera… and the world changed. The camera was the center of focus and everything around in the peripheral field of view changed to be a little blurred, and then sparkly… as I realized that I slipped into another state I started to be aware of the sparkly as vibrations… I was watching the vibration of everything – moving at cellular level or – however you wish to say… as if alive… even the dead leaves on the dirt… everything moved… appeared to sparkle like stars…

the background grew a little more bright I think – not dark like a night sky…

there was no thought… no emotion… and just this watching of things as they twinkled…

it was a feeling not too unlike eggata – one pointedness of mind. where the mind gets so focused on an object that the object is the sole focus. This time it was the camera – just for having been in the center of the field of view at that time – possibly.

was the mind just ready at that time to focus…?

was the activity I had done for an hour – talking to the camera about dean’s sites so relaxing and gradually focusing the mind that it was prepared to focus instantly like that?

there was this idea that if I let go – immersed myself in the experience that that would be ‘it’ – that would be the total awakening…

I let go a little and felt another change – my body wasn’t felt and it was moving increasingly toward a 100% experience outside of me – outside the ego… I grabbed back at the ego – at this ego-filled self and found enough that the process stopped expanding and taking me deeper… then I just stayed in a similar state as before and watched it for a little while… finally choosing – as I nearly always did – to end it…? not giving it any special attention to continue on… not grasping at it at all…

in hindsight – this putting it off when it comes… putting off spontaneous Jhana states and other states when they come might just be responsible for urging the process on further…

anyway – another cool experience as I look back on it…

The state of the mind now – is same as it has been for a while… I can work when I choose to work. when I have nothing going on – and am not responding to anything – the mind reverts to blankness… no thought… no emotion… no anything.

Always there is this bit of knowledge in my head somewhere that says… if you let it all go – that will be it… nibbana will find you…

And so it feels like I’ve known that for so many years… but now it’s even harder to ignore as I experience states like this one the other day that spontaneously arise. similar to, and yet different from states that occur during Jhana and other experiences.

If anyone is having or has had a similar experience, please write to me… I don’t know anyone personally that has had this. Thanks…?

This is part of my Meditation Journal Experience after the Flat-mind State became permanent.

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