Deep Jhana Meditation
Video + Coaching w/Vern.

Stopping – Starting, A New Observation

This is part of my Meditation Journal Experience after the Flat-mind State became permanent. Though I have not meditated much lately, very little actually, I am seeing a new development that is strange and a bit discomforting. Over the past few days – maybe 5 days ago I noticed it first – there has been … Read more

You Are Not Ready for the Answer…

“You are not ready to accept the fact that you have to give up. A complete and total surrender. It is a state of hopelessness which says that there is no way out. Any movement in any direction, on any dimension, at any level, is taking you away from yourself.” – UG Krishnamurti This is … Read more

Meditation State – I Am the Noise

The silence of my mind resembles the quietness of the Thailand countryside.

This is part of my Meditation Journal with dozens of posts > Note – This is an old journal article I wrote in 1998 or so. I don’t have the date written down on the journal entry. Sitting in the blue room at home. Meditated for a half hour. The back hurts again today. One … Read more

Watching “Suffering” During Meditation

Suffering During Meditation… Watching Discomfort One set up the garage as a meditation haven today. The bug light is in there to take care of mosquitoes. The Buddhists in the forests have mosquito nets which don’t necessitate taking their lives–but this one doesn’t have the luxury. It was done in mindfulness. One drank some hot … Read more

Meditation for Beginners

Most people beginning meditation start by finding a group. There is a notion that exists among most people that a group is needed for a couple of reasons. 1. Beginners like the idea of having a teacher to ask questions of, or at least some meditators that have some advanced experience. 2. The social factor. … Read more