Deep Jhana Meditation
Video + Coaching w/Vern.

What Am I Looking At? (Thailand Meditation Journal)

This is part of my Thailand Meditation Journal Experience after the Flat-mind State became permanent.

Over the last few months 6? 8? there’s been this constant stillness of mind that is always there. If I stop typing right now – it’s there – an instant empty mind. No thoughts. It’s funny… it’s the state that I used to try to reach before with sitting sessions. Now it’s here – what’s to try for from this point forward?
Today is the last day of May.

Thailand Meditation Journal Date: 5-31-09

i noticed something over the last few days… my mind is needing some real effort to get started in a different direction.

Between thoughts – between actions and concerted efforts where I’m doing something – there is a break. A revert back to the base of the mind – which, as I’ve said has been like a flatline state of activity – no thought.

So usually I’m seeing this when I’m on the computer… I open a folder and look at the files there and there’s no recognition about what they are…

If I stare at a file on my desktop – it doesn’t make sense – nothing about it makes sense – symbols don’t turn into thoughts that tell me what I’m looking at.

So, I can stare at it for a while… and then I just open it – double click to see what it is… then gradually I’m aware of what it is…

the strange state is continuing… 🙂

If anyone is having or has had a similar experience, please write to me… I don’t know anyone personally who has had this. Thanks…

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