Deep Jhana Meditation
Video + Coaching w/Vern.

UG Krishnamurti’s Calamity (Enlightenment) Experience – Info/Video

Buddha statues - art photo from Thailand

What Happened to UG Krishnamurti? UG Krishnamurti meditated and questioned his state until he came to a place he called “the calamity.” This was a revolution inside his body and mind that destroyed the old and replaced them with new ways of looking at things, of thinking, of being. In UG Krishnamurti’s Calamity experience he … Read more

Meditation Experiences Timeline

Monk standing alone on building at Wat Nong Pah Pong in Warin Chamrap, Ubon Ratchathani in Thailand's northeast or "Isaan" region.

This is part of my Meditation Journal (click) which includes dozens of posts. Journal Date: 1995 to 2008. I was just thinking that it would be good for me to put down in writing some sort of timeline for the way things have happened for me since starting meditation. Often times people read this journal … Read more