Deep Jhana Meditation
Video + Coaching w/Vern.

Meditation Tips for Advanced Students

Divine eye abhinna transmission from Buddha to meditators at Suan Mokkh temple in Chaiya, Surat Thani, Southern Thailand.

This is part of a collection of Meditation Tips. Here are more > There are several things advanced meditation students are doing that are impeding their progress. Assuming you want to progress quickly through the stages of meditation and see some tangible benefit to your practice, you are always looking for new ways to go … Read more

16 Essential Meditation Tips for Beginners (#11 and 16 are key)

16 Essential meditation tips for beginners and advanced students.

Meditation is not difficult, but there are a hundred ways you can get off track. You maybe already know that. Most of the questions I get about meditation from beginners are about the basics. These 15 tips will put you mostly on the right track. You certainly should pay attention to them and find yourself … Read more

Where Should the Tongue Be During Meditation? (seriously!)

A monk deep in meditation in Jhana realm at the top of a local Theravada Buddhist temple in Krabi, Thailand.

Some new meditators must be wondering, ‘Where should the tongue be during meditation?’ Should it just stick to the top of your mouth? Move with the breath? Or sit still somewhere? As I sat here an hour ago or so, I realized that usually, I don’t tell new meditators who read my books what exactly … Read more