Deep Jhana Meditation
Video + Coaching w/Vern.

Custom Meditation Retreat in Thailand?

Woman meditating at sunset at night looking at mountains.

So, I’ve been thinking today about how you can come to Thailand on vacation and enjoy a meditation retreat that is custom-made for you. This is just something I’ve been thinking about today and I want to get my thoughts out of my head to see if this might make some sense to pursue this … Read more

Meditation Experiences Timeline

Monk standing alone on building at Wat Nong Pah Pong in Warin Chamrap, Ubon Ratchathani in Thailand's northeast or "Isaan" region.

This is part of my Meditation Journal (click) which includes dozens of posts. Journal Date: 1995 to 2008. I was just thinking that it would be good for me to put down in writing some sort of timeline for the way things have happened for me since starting meditation. Often times people read this journal … Read more

Breath Slowing, and Mind Stopping – Video 3

Woman meditating on grass.

This is the third video in the series covering various experiences that happen during meditation as you become concentrated and your mind slows down – and eventually – stops. When the mind stops – many experiences begin. The experiences seem almost surreal or other-worldly at times. They are bizarre and sometimes even scary. It’s frightening … Read more

Intense Concentration on the Breath – Video 2

In this second video, I go over some of what happens as you try to concentrate on the breath and finally are able to. I detail what is perhaps my first strange experience as the mind focused so intensely on one small sense object – the breath going in and out of the nose. It … Read more

Some Basic Meditation Experiences – Video 1

This first video, in the series of meditation experience videos, touches on a lot of things that beginning meditators might find interesting. If you are new at meditating, you probably have a lot of questions about what you’re doing. I hope to answer some of them, just based on my experience of sitting and focusing … Read more

The Process – Meditation Mystery (Thailand Meditation Journal)

Thailand Meditation Journal Date: 1996? This morning while sitting on the balcony of our 7th-floor hotel room in Melbourne one was not trying to meditate–but one was just experiencing and being in the present moment. After a short time, one blanked out for some periods of 1-10 seconds. One felt that otherness perch on the … Read more