Deep Jhana Meditation
Video + Coaching w/Vern.

Some Basic Meditation Experiences – Video 1

This first video, in the series of meditation experience videos, touches on a lot of things that beginning meditators might find interesting. If you are new at meditating, you probably have a lot of questions about what you’re doing. I hope to answer some of them, just based on my experience of sitting and focusing on the breath.

Meditation can be scary and or difficult for some people, or maybe all people at various times as they float down the path. Some who begin meditation quit quickly after they start.

With this series of videos, I hope to inspire you a bit by taking some of the mystery out of meditation. I’ll cover a dozen or so experiences that beginners up through advanced meditators might have – and talk about my own personal journey through some of these often “strange” events unfolding from the mind.

Watch this video to see my idea about basic meditation.

If you have any questions or comments, leave them below, or send me an email at the Contact page.

Video 1 – Some Basic Meditation Experiences >

Here is the full series of videos at my Jhana8 Meditation Channel on YouTube >

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