Deep Jhana Meditation
Video + Coaching w/Vern.

Are You On the Right Path in Meditation? (What Helps & Doesn’t)

If you’re wondering whether you’re on the right path. If you’re wondering whether you need to move to Thailand or anywhere in the world and join a Buddhist temple to help with your meditation, watch this video.

What Helps and What Doesn’t Help in Meditation? (video)

I talk about whether moving somewhere else or joining a group will help your meditation practice. I talk about whether religion helps your meditation practice, or hinders it. I talk about what I found when I came to Thailand and talked to Thai and foreign monks about meditation. I talk about what is the most productive way to embark on a meditation practice.

This video should help you figure it out, or at least give you a new direction.

Of course, I am biased toward my own experience because it’s all I know really. I used a few simple guidelines to progress through meditation without even knowing I was progressing. It came naturally without any complex system clouding the path. The path was as simple as I imagined it could be.

Have a watch of the video and see if it doesn’t clear something up for you.

If not, feel free to write and ask me anything you like about your current practice. 🙂

Meditation Path – What is Necessary? What Isn’t? (Video above)

I recently started offering 1-hour meditation coaching sessions. If you’d like to talk about some aspect of your practice, have a read-through here and see if it might be right for you.

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