(an email I replied to someone)
It doesn’t really matter, you know? My path wasn’t like anyone else’s that I know of. You should also find your own path. What someone else did should only be important to you as you create your own practice and decide what you will and won’t do.
Try some things for a while. See what works. See what puts you in a good state of mind. See what doesn’t. See what is objectively real and what is superstition and that you believe from what people told you – even people you love.
Be your own experiment, not someone else’s.
Follow what someone did to a point, then go your own way. See what happens.
Treat the whole path as an experiment to see where you end up.
I purposefully didn’t follow anything ‘Buddhist’ in my path. I didn’t do any insight during the peaceful post-jhana sessions other than insight that arose naturally. I didn’t put anyone’s or any religion’s questions in my head to ponder.
I just didn’t want that.
I didn’t care what Buddha did by that stage.
I had experienced amazing things, stunning changes in the mind… already. I was happy with where I was. The non-dual state I have now came as a weird bonus that just showed up unexpectedly. Just like Jhana did.
The whole path has been a real surprise, and I often say “i got more than i asked for.”
Hope that helps
And, thanks so much for letting me know about your path and what you’ve found through trying things. Some of my ideas may work for you. Some not.
Some of someone else’s ideas may work for you.
Some not.
Try different approaches and look at everything as a learning experience that is somehow worth it in the end and that will contribute to your own path.
Forget about everyone else’s path. Do you!