3-5 Day Deep Jhana Meditation Retreats in Krabi, Thailand
This is a brand new Thailand meditation retreat in Krabi, Thailand to be held in December 2025 and 4 other dates in 2025. This retreat is 5 days (4 nights) and is held at a wilderness resort at the base of the Khao Phanom Mountain range in Southern Thailand. Participants should be over 18 years old and in good health.
December 2025 | January 2025 | April 2025 | July 2025 | October 2025 | December 2025
Schedule (draft)
I’m working on a draft for a schedule here.
What Is Deep Jhana Meditation?
Deep Jhana is differentiated from ‘Light Jhana” or the “Sutta Jhanas” in the depth of absorption that is reached in the meditation session. In deep Jhana, all sensory input from the body’s sense organs is muted after the first Jhana. One isn’t affected by sound or anything else in these states.
Meditation System
This is a natural and religion-free meditation experience where the main focus is to learn what is required to reach 100% concentration on the breath leading to Jhana in a natural way consisting of letting go rather than adding anything to the process.
Some people call these Deep Jhana states as those described in the Visuddhimagga by Buddhaghosa in Sri Lanka in the 5th Century. To learn more about Lovic’s experience you can read some of the writings at Jhana8.com or books at Amazon – please don’t buy them, we can send you a PDF copy for free by email. Just ask.
Please note, this Deep Jhana Meditation Retreat will not contain any overt Buddhist language, Hindu language, or the language used by any other religion. Entering the Deep Jhanas need not have anything to do with any sort of religion or religious or superstitious belief.
There is nothing taught about the Buddhist 8-Fold Path, precepts, or any other requirements or prequalifications in attaining concentration or Jhana. There is nothing spoken of regarding karma, past lives, or dharma talks.
Participants are asked to drop all of their previous learning and belief about what is possible in meditation and to try this new direction in meditation.
Advanced Topics
While the main focus of this retreat is giving participants a very clear set of instructions to reach 100% concentration on the breath and Jhana, the topic of Abhinna can also be included for anyone interested.
Teaching Method
Instruction and advice are given during daily talks and individual interviews. Meditation schedule is dynamic, with participants choosing when and where to meditate. A morning and evening group talk will be held daily.
Typical Daily Routine
7 am. Shower, dress.
7:30 am. Breakfast (can accommodate vegetarian, there is no requirement to eat this way).
8:30 am. Morning Talk
9:30 am. Group meditation with some guidance.
10:30 am. Walk through forest to viewpoint. Swim in pool or stream.
1 – 1:30 pm. Lunch
Relax or explore Krabi.
5 pm. Meditation
6 pm. Dinner
7 pm. Group talk.
8 pm. Meditation
When you go to bed is up to you. Vern goes home to family at 9 pm.
Keep in mind, you can wake up at 4 am. to meditate. Up to you. You can skip dinner if you want. We’d like you to make all the group talks and meditations, but what else you do is up to you.
There are a couple of fun things we can do around the area like explore a cave, see a waterfall, climb to a viewpoint, climb to a huge viewpoint, Meditate at a viewpoint not too far away.

Meditation Teacher
Author and Meditation Coach Vern Lovic from the United States will host the retreat and be available for questions during much of the day.
English. USA accent.
Background of Participants? I’m of two minds on this. The newer you are to meditation, the easier it will be to grasp the teaching because you haven’t been influenced by other meditation systems.
However, there is something to be said for those of you who have meditated for years and can already reach a near thoughtless state during your meditation sessions. For those of you with a lot of experience, you’ll be asked to drop everything you know about meditation and approach it in a new way. It won’t be too foreign to you, but this new approach insists that you remove all the fluff (extra) from your current practice.
Some people hold on dearly to the fluff. If you would rather not be challenged in this way, another retreat may be more suitable for you. 🙂
Group Size
- 6 participants maximum
- 2 participants minimum
- 1 teacher

Vegetarian food is available as is pork, eggs, chicken, and seafood.
A Thai-style buffet breakfast is served between 6 am. and 8 am. The lunch meal buffet is between 11:30 am. and 1:30 pm. The main evening meal is usually around 6:30 pm. Yes, three meals per day. Because, well, we’re not monks. 🙂 Ha!
Individual bungalow-style rooms at the base of a stunning limestone cliff. Units have electricity and Thai-style bathrooms (warm (electric) shower, Asian – and a few western-style toilets) with running water.
There is a fan in every room. In December the weather is not nearly as hot and humid as during other times of the year. December is the ideal time to visit.
No requirements for clothing other than imageless and textless shirts, pants, hats, scarves, shawls, jackets, etc. A small logo of a couple of inches or less is fine on the front of the shirt. You’ll want to wear loose clothing. Shorts are OK. T-shirts, sleeveless shirts are fine. No half-shirts please.
Electronic Devices
You can bring a mobile phone, computer, camera, whatever you like. Please keep them in your bungalow to use during your personal time. This is an ideal opportunity to give up your electronic gadgets and spend 4-5 days without them. Up to you. Internet functionality at the wilderness bungalows is not very consistent, but you’ll be able to send and read email.
None available. This isn’t a Buddhist retreat and is not at a Buddhist temple.
Write in Advance?
Please send us a note to let us know if you are able to join us – or that you are considering it. Our dates may be flexible. For our first December 2025 retreat, dates are open. The first couple of people who let us know they can come, will choose the dates. We will pre-book the rooms with your deposit, so you don’t need to think about whether there will be space at this wilderness resort.
The retreat will be held at Phanom Bencha Mountain Resort in Krabi Noi subdistrict of Ampur Muang Krabi just outside of Krabi Town. The airport code is KBV and is about 17 km from the retreat location.
42/2 Krabi noi Moo.7, Krabi 81000.
Transportation and Directions
Fly into KBV – Krabi International Airport from a Bangkok Airport. We’ll pick you up and take you 17 km to the retreat destination. We will also drop you off at the airport when you leave.
Deposit and Fees
Each person attending the 3-day retreat will complete a deposit (payment link sent through email) of 33% of the cost of the retreat – 8,000 Thai baht ($230 USD). The remaining balance 16,000 ($460) can be paid in person as you arrive. Fees cover rooms, buffet meals, transportation to and from the airport, electricity, and meditation instruction. Total: 24,000 Thai baht ($690).
Other Information
There is a large public hospital within 20 km (12 miles) of the retreat location. Stores are not too far if you need to pick something up in the afternoon between sessions. You may want to rent a car or motorbike to explore the area during off hours (about 350 THB per day for a scooter). The resort owner has a truck and can take you places for a taxi fee.
All Meditation Retreats listed here >
Benefits and Changes that Occur with Deep Jhana Practice >
I recently began offering “Jhana meditation coaching calls“ – 30 to 120 minute calls.
I would love to explore the possibility of doing a jhana retreat at krabi with you in January 2025.
What are tha dates? If it is 2 of us then would it be possible to plan a retreat?
I am a vipassana practitioner and a secualr mindfulenss teacher for many years. I have been studying Buddhist suttas under western teachers in spirit rock, California. Learning Pali too. I am aspiring to learn deep jhana practices.
Let me know if it is workable.
Great News Swati! Thanks so much for your comment. I sent you an email already. Hope to see you and your friend this January!
Hi Vern,
I would love to do a retreat with you. have a break from 25 Dec to 4 Jan 2025. Just wondering if The December/Jan dates line up at all?
Otherwise will need to consider later in 2025.
Hi Natalie,
Thanks for your comment! It may be possible. I will let some other people know and see what they think. Scheduling is the difficult thing when Thailand is so far away. I’ll contact you by email. 🙂