Deep Jhana Meditation Video + Coaching w/Vern.

Mindfulness in Plain English and Intro to Meditation Book

One of the most detailed introductions on How To Meditate is a classic by Henepola Gunaratana, the monk from Sri Lanka who spent years as a Buddhist Monk and teacher. His book is Mindfulness in Plain English. The title is about mindfulness, but the book is an introduction, albeit a lengthy one, into the topic of meditation

If you want a much simpler book focused entirely on HOW TO MEDITATE, this one is easy to understand (4.4/5 Rating and 250 reviewers at Amazon)

Meditation for Beginners - A 22-Day Course by Vern Lovic
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We have had many good reviews and comments over the years on the content of this book. It has sold over 80,000 copies both at Amazon and on our websites.

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