Deep Jhana Meditation Video + Coaching w/Vern.

All About Abhinna (Index)

The 6 Abhinnas in Buddhist texts describe what appear to be supernatural states in which the experiencer can do things that don’t seem to make sense in our current reality. Seeing the hearts and minds of of others, seeing unborn and dying souls… is this all nonsense, or does it really exist.

Ask me prior to my experiences with Abhinna and I would have called it just another ridiculous belief Buddhists are teaching is true. Ask me now and I have to admit that there are at least a couple of the Abhinnas which are absolutely real. 100%. Read on to find out more about these rarely experienced states that are even more rare to hear talked about.

What Is Abhinna Really Like? (Abijna, Abhinnanana)

The most extraordinary experiences I’ve ever had in my life were Jhana and Abhinna, and something else that doesn’t fit either one but was astounding in its own right. Of these, Abhinna was by far the most impactful. Read more about how Buddhism defines the Abhinnas and my direct experiences with some of them below. … Read more

Abhinna – Knowing Hearts and Minds

I wanted to go into it a bit about what exactly this Abhinna experience of ‘knowing people’ entailed. I do hope, by sharing, I can reach others that have had similar experiences that will write me to tell me their own stories. Continuing from the “Abhinna Background” page. It was somewhere around the 8th month … Read more

Abhinna Experiences – Supernatural Realms Are Real

There is a part of Buddhism that not many people even know about. It involves the supernatural experiences called “Abhinna“(Abijna, Abhinnanana). If you’ve read some of this blog, you may have seen me talk about my absence of knowledge of the higher states of meditation. I was clueless really. I didn’t know the word “Jhana” … Read more

Recalling Past Lives – Is It Possible? (Abhinna, Abijna, Abhinnanana)

I’m not Buddhist, but I do enjoy hearing what Buddhists believe, especially about meditation because my own meditation was based on what the Buddha did. My experiences have been very similar. There are a few major areas I talk about on this website: meditation; mindfulness; Jhana; Abhinna (Abijna, Abhinnanana). The supposed ability to recall past lives … Read more

Abhinna Types Article Translation and Notes

The following was translated from Indonesian language from I’ve added notes in places I don’t necessarily agree, and where I want to comment. Abhinna (Abijna, Abhinnanana) is related to higher mental abilities, which can only be owned by those who succeed in meditation, when the life of the past and this time he was … Read more

My Divine Eye Experiences – Abhinna

I had this once in a very powerful way, and once in a not-so powerful way rather recently. I had been meditating for a while, 8 months or so, and I was sitting on the floor of my bedroom in my home in Florida for a relaxing session of meditation. Nearly every time I sat … Read more

The Abhinna (Abhijna) Experiment

The Abhinna Phenomenon Experiment of 2019 Maybe best to start with this – What is Abhinna? If you want an overview of my meditation, Jhana and Abhinna experience, I wrote an email to Sister Khema, a secretary for Bhante Vimalaramsi some years ago that details it quite nicely. Meditation overview here. I’ve ignored the Abhinna … Read more

Abhinna Experiences – Direct Accounts

Here is a bit about my Background Related to Experiences with Abhinna (Abijna, Abhinnanana)… In 1998 I began meditating loosely based on a vipassana type style of focusing on the breath. I had little knowledge of Buddhism at the time. Even today I would say I have little knowledge of Buddhism. I had no group … Read more

Abhinnas vs. Siddhis – A Deep Comparison

Here’s a look at the Abhinnas in Buddhist meditation compared to the Siddhis in yogic and Hindu traditions. We cover what they are, meanings, origins, differences, and a detailed table comparing them. Read more

Meditation, Jhana, Abhinna Experience Overview

I was writing back and forth with Sister Khema, Bhante Vimalaramsi’s friend at his temple, and I thought I’d post this note I wrote to her. Hello Sister Khema, Thank you so much for your response – much appreciated! I was hoping to meet with you or Bhante to ask some questions in a dialogue … Read more

Divine Eye Abhinna Experiences | Anybody Have?

Something struck me the other week, and I forgot about it for a while. I just had the same experience though – so I’ll write it down. It’s gnawing at me a bit… I wrote about and did videos about, some of my experiences with Abhinna. I even started because I couldn’t believe that … Read more

Abhinna – Video Clips in the Mind

There was a very odd experience that lasted for a while. Video clips running in my mind of odd things.

Is Jhana Real?

Jhana has been portrayed as some almost mythical place that resides in the human mind and is expressed only through a relentless pursuit of it, without pursuing it. Some Jhana teachers will tell you that if you seek it, you won’t find it. If you do anything to get there you won’t get there. Jhana … Read more

Meditation Journal Entries (Chronological)

Over the years I kept meditation journal entries about my meditation experiences because I noticed early on that there were some very odd experiences. I’ll try to put the entries in the order below. In October of 1995 or 1996, I learned meditation from my wife’s father, a Buddhist Thai who lived in Illinois. He … Read more

Dream – Looking for the Ultimate Unknown with the Wrong Tools

by Vern

I had a dream last night. I should have got up and gone into the other room and dictated it into my phone recorder so it was fresh, but I still remember much of it. It was short. There were a couple more short dreams that followed, but I cannot remember them at all right … Read moreCategoriesAbhinnaJhanaTagsabhinna dreamenlightenmentfinding nirvanajhana dreamnibbananirvanareaching the ultimateLeave a comment

Divine Eye Abhinna Experiences | Anybody Have?

by Vern

Something struck me the other week, and I forgot about it for a while. I just had the same experience though – so I’ll write it down. It’s gnawing at me a bit… I wrote about and did videos about, some of my experiences with Abhinna. I even started because I couldn’t believe that … Read more

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