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Do Thais Meditate?

Thai girl - layperson - meditating at a Thailand Theravada Buddhist Temple but using mobile phone instead.

When I came to Thailand 20 years ago I had this idea that everyone in Thailand meditated. A lot. I had read some books that followers of Ajahn Chah and Buddhadasa published and I don’t know why, but I generalized that most of Thailand’s population must be meditating often. The majority of Thais do not … Read more

Custom Meditation Retreat in Thailand?

Woman meditating at sunset at night looking at mountains.

So, I’ve been thinking today about how you can come to Thailand on vacation and enjoy a meditation retreat that is custom-made for you. This is just something I’ve been thinking about today and I want to get my thoughts out of my head to see if this might make some sense to pursue this … Read more

Abhinnas vs. Siddhis – A Deep Comparison

Monks with Abhinna Powers

Here’s a look at the Abhinnas in Buddhist meditation compared to the Siddhis in yogic and Hindu traditions. We cover what they are, meanings, origins, differences, and a detailed table comparing them. Vern Note Pre-meditation, pre-jhana, and pre-abhinna, I was one of the most logical, objective-minded people you could ever know. I believed only in … Read more

Dream – Looking for the Ultimate Unknown with the Wrong Tools

I had a dream last night. I should have got up and gone into the other room and dictated it into my phone recorder so it was fresh, but I still remember much of it. It was short. There were a couple more short dreams that followed, but I cannot remember them at all right … Read more

Abhinna – Video Clips in the Mind

This post just published from 2013. I had it as a password protected file for a long time. Will open it up. Find out about Meditation Coaching w/Vern. I’ve been having something over the last couple of days that I’ve not had before. There are small videos in the mind. Very small – like 120×180 … Read more

Divine Eye Abhinna Experiences | Anybody Have?

Something struck me the other week, and I forgot about it for a while. I just had the same experience though – so I’ll write it down. It’s gnawing at me a bit. I wrote about and did videos about, some of my experiences with the Abhinnas. These are supernatural-like powers that some experience seemingly … Read more

All About Abhinna (Index)

The 6 Abhinnas in Buddhist texts describe what appear to be supernatural states in which the experiencer can do things that don’t seem to make sense in our current reality. Seeing the hearts and minds of of others, seeing unborn and dying souls… is this all nonsense, or does it really exist. Ask me prior … Read more